Couples Counseling

Falling in love is easy. Staying in love, growing in love, is hard.

– E. Mellyberry

1827675197If I could only tell you…

Remember when the world couldn’t stop us? There was connection and commitment in our freshness of love. We made promises to each other to learn and grow together no matter what.

We thought each other’s little quirks made us perfect. Challenges seemed like mere obstacles that we knew we could overcome. We were fully present and in love. By each other’s side was our favorite place to be.

Then, life became busy, and priorities were rearranged.

We had taken the “forever” of our vows for granted, and time slipped away.

As time went on, the cute little quirks morphed into irritations. Communication became a source of distress. The obstacles became our battleground.

The promises we once made to each other gave us fuel for blame. Hidden resentments kept us from being able to show compassion and kindness. We had lost respect for each other. This is what our life has become.

How can there be room for new love if failures and disappointments are all we see?

I miss us.

Love always,

What if you could…

Say everything without fear of rejection or judgment.

Learn to verbalize emotions without feeling unheard or misunderstood.

Communicate needs and desires with respect for one another.

Resolve conflict with compassion, empathy, and grace.

Embrace vulnerability, honesty, and intimacy as a guiding force of connection.

Honor each day as an opportunity to learn and love deeper.

Love isn’t complicated. People are.

– Pratej

2002866284It’s time to grow in love.

Our intimate relationships can be the source of our greatest joys, yet they can also bring immense sorrow and pain.

The challenges that arise offer boundless opportunities for evolving into a more mature love.

Couples counseling isn’t just about the problems we experience. It is about how two people bring all their life experiences to the relationship. Whether it is upbringing, past relationships, unresolved trauma, different communication styles, boundary issues, or lack of self-worth and low self-esteem, we learn to work for the relationship while honoring the individual growth in each other and learning to grow together.

Whether you have been together for years or have just begun the journey, couples counseling honors the relationship as the priority. How much better would it be if we began understanding each other by embracing and enriching each day?

It takes honesty, vulnerability, time, and work to make a relationship successful and meaningful. The time spent investing in your relationship is a gift to you and those with whom you share life.

Reach out today, and let’s start experiencing change.