
Mindful eating replaces self-criticism with self-nurturing.
It replaces shame with respect and your own inner wisdom.

-Jan Chozen Bays

Nutrition Img 1What is your relationship with food?

Take a moment to ponder this thought. The relationship we have with food dictates the way we feel in life. It affects our health on all levels of existence. Food is our fuel. Every ounce of our being, from emotions to moods to physical activities, is sustained by our food choices. Yet it goes beyond that. The practices we put in place that surround our nutrition nourish our internal world so that the external forces have less effect on us. Food is our medicine.

So, if we know all this, why is it so hard to do?

This is a complex question, and the reasons are unique to everyone.  The short answer is that eating healthy isn’t easy. We have had years of programming and creating unhealthy eating habits based on subconscious thought patterns and behaviors. To create a healthy relationship with food, we have to dive deep into what drives us to make poor choices when we know what we should do.

Nutrition Img 2Signs you have an unhealthy relationship with food

  • Guilt and shame after eating
  • Restricting or overeating foods
  • Regular dieting
  • Eating in response to emotions
  • Thinking about food all the time
  • Seeing foods as either good or bad
  • Eating mindlessly

This list is by no means exhaustive, and if you find yourself nodding your head yes to any of these, then it is time to shift your perspective by ridding yourself of the old mindsets.

Nutrition Img 3Creating healthy habits, not restrictions.

Here’s the truth: you do not have to go to extremes to be healthy, but you do have to put in the work. This is where I come in.

As a certified nutrition coach and a student of functional nutrition, I know that eating healthy is a journey, not a destination. Let’s work to uncover the root causes and establish new ways of being with food that is uniquely tailored to your needs physically, mentally, and emotionally.

We can destroy belief systems that fuel guilt and shame around food and your body. We will establish new ways in which to honor your food by creating habits that allow you to savor the joys of eating. We will take control of unhealthy eating habits by educating and putting into practice what is being learned.

Reach out today and let’s start exploring what mindfully present with your food does for you.

And I said to my body, softly: I want to be your friend.
It took a long deep breath; and replied:
I have been waiting my whole life for this.

-Nayyirah Waheed