Meditation and Mindfulness

“Meditation is a way for nourishing and blossoming the divine within.”

– Amit Ray

An exercise for you…

Take a deep inhale… full exhale… invite yourself to deepen your breath and bring awareness to the sensations that arise: the rise and fall of your chest, the coolness of the air as it flows in, the warmth of the air as you breathe out. Stay there as long as you feel drawn.

And when you are ready, slowly come back to your normal breathing and notice what is different.

Welcome back.

Meditation comes in many forms.

Meditation can be as easy as a few moments to reconnect to breath or a discipline in which one seeks to create communion with something greater than oneself.

The beautiful thing about it is there is no such thing as bad meditation. It is a personal and powerful practice that can be incorporated into any part of your day.

With a large family of techniques, we can simplify these all by saying that meditation brings our full attention to a moment, which is simply retraining our attention.

The benefits of meditation and mindfulness are backed by scientific research. Studies have shown that not only does it have physiological impacts, but it also greatly influences behavioral and cognitive functions.

As a certified meditation and mindfulness coach, I can guide you through techniques and experiences to find what works for you.