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“For any movement to gain momentum, one must start with a small action.”

– Adam Braun

What does your body need right now?

As you are sitting here reading these words, ask yourself what you need.

Now take a moment to stretch your arms up over your head, bring them down and around, and give yourself a big hug. Feel the warmth of the embrace and the gentle release of the back, relish in the breath and ease of this small act of kindness to yourself. Allow the tension to flow away. This is a small, yet powerful moment of release and you deserve it.

Being our body’s best friend.

Our bodies tell a story, and yet we often only hear this story when we are feeling the pains, disappointments, or struggles of our physical limitations. We look at exercise as a duty and box ourselves into what body health is based on what the world has deemed good-for-us regimens.

The truth is, exercise does not have to be daunting, nor do we have to continue to label it. We can release that perception and start to live in tune with our body by embracing the concept of intuitive movement.

Our bodies are the best indicators of what we need.

Maybe you are just starting an exercise regimen, or you are feeling your body calling you to be more mindful of loving yourself.

You might have a goal of losing weight or experiencing freedom from aches and pains; the list can go on and on, and they are your reasons.

The beauty of this is that there are limitless ways to engage in change.

We move and the energy within us moves.

Maybe you love to dance or walk in the fresh morning sun; maybe you love flow and yoga or just simply want to release pinned-up emotions.

No matter what your call to action is, I offer a safe space for exploration on this journey.

With in-depth experience in many approaches to body health, I can guide you to and through this exploration to see what resonates with you. The goal is always to remember that you are beautiful just as you are.

Let’s release the perceptions of the external world by diving into what you truly want and learn to honor your truth everyday of the rest of your life.

Health Disclaimer

This service is of a complementary nature and does not substitute professional medical care, advice, diagnosis, or treatment.