Sober Living

You can rise up from anything.
You can completely recreate yourself.
Nothing is permanent.
You are not stuck.
You have choices.
You can think new thoughts.
You can learn something new.
You can create new habits.
All that matters is that you decide today and never look back.

– Idil Ahmed

629338487You are right where you need to be.

Maybe you are just curious about sobriety, or possibly you have been feeling as though things are getting out of hand. Maybe you have tried a million different ways to stop or cut back, and the results were always the same. Stop and think for a moment…

What is truly at the center of your life? What does your day revolve around? How do you escape from the uneasiness and demands of life? If we are being rigorously honest with ourselves, we might see a theme.

How does that make you feel? Anxious, shameful, powerless, filled with regrets, resentments, fears, hopelessness?

Remember when everything seemed normal and fun, you had control, and then one day, you realized you didn’t. The good times turn bad, and the hangovers leave you struggling to feel alive and capable of dealing with life.

The stories of your blackout episodes haunt you. Life just becomes a blur. You are chained to a temporary fix that has come to fail you every time.

1619874349I know this story well.

I was just like you. The only difference is the colorful details – the ones I can recall anyway.

There is a way out. I make no promises to you that it will be easy, nor can I guarantee you instant relief – quite the opposite. If you are anything like I was, the destructive behaviors we are oblivious to in those moments ripple through our entire world.

When we choose to pursue a life of sobriety, we are saying to ourselves, “I want to live, I want to feel, I want something more. Something must change. “

2045799308This is not the end of your story.

I am living proof of that. The greatest gift you can give yourself and all you hold dear is your sobriety.

Imagine having the opportunity to choose, with insight and clarity, how to create your every single moment. Harness and master your emotions. Forgive yourself and others. Accept the world as it is without it being a source of deep despair. The list can go on and on.

If this is a road you would like to explore, I am here.

I cannot get you sober, nor can I keep you sober. That is up to you.

I can, however, help you process the raw emotions that got you here in the first place.

Reach out today, and let’s start exploring your relationship with alcohol and/or drugs and how you can embrace who you were always meant to be.

Teach me to feel again,
In all the ways I’ve forgotten.

– J.M. Green