Spiritual Healing

Heal yourself, with the kisses that the wind gives you and the hugs of the rain.
Get stronger with bare feet on the ground and with everything that is born from it.
Get smarter every day by listening to your intuition,
looking at the world with the eye of your forehead.
Jump, dance, sing, so that you live happier.
Heal yourself, with beautiful love, and always remember…
You are the medicine

– Maria Sabina

Mexican curandera and poet

We are our greatest healer.

Within us all lies a guiding force, a spiritual energy that is the vital essence of our being. This life force is a natural energy that is in constant motion and seeks to promote our highest and greatest well-being.

Sometimes, this energy force can become out of balance, stagnant, or blocked. This can lead to signs and symptoms that something within is off.

Maybe you have felt drained, or physical ailments have just popped up, and you don’t know why. You find yourself searching for relief, yet everything feels empty or pointless.

Maybe life seems more tense, and you are not handling situations as well as you used to. Perhaps you are dealing with feelings that are unfamiliar, and there is an intuitive calling to reconnect.

Energy healing may be a choice for you.

Learning to harness this energy can allow for spiritual growth and guide you toward embracing a deeper experience to an awareness within. No matter what brought you here, your spiritual journey is as unique as you are. The path you take toward healing is simply about shifting your perspective and being willing to explore your inner world.

Energy healing has no religion and comes in many forms. This truth gives room to incorporate it as a complementary healing practice that resonates with your belief system. I have studied many different forms of spiritual and religious systems and honor each with reverence for what they are to those they serve. Together, we can discover what resonates with your journey.

Each session, whether it be a stand-alone session or part of an ongoing counseling experience, requires you to self-reflect and learn to be gentle with yourself.

Every day, we have the ability to heal just a little bit more, release our perception, and see life anew.

Click below to find out more.

Even the smallest shift in perspective can bring about the greatest healing.

– Joshua Kai