Women in Young Adulthood

Everything you want to be, you already are.
You’re simply on the path to discovering it.

– Alicia Keys

188531186The motive and the mask

How many masks did you wear today? Maybe one for work, another for school, the family mask, and let’s not forget the many we wear based on which friends we might be hanging out with.

Then, when we are all alone, we finally release ourselves from the world’s image of us. Are we left with our true selves, or did we put on one more mask, one to hide from ourselves? Why do we do this?

Anxieties and fears can hold us hostage.

Self-doubt and comparing ourselves to others seem to be the greatest source of depleting our sense of worth and self-esteem.

Think about your average day and see if you can recall how many times you found yourself caught in a cycle of negative self-talk. Where did it come from? The answers are not always clear, yet they are there.

Our parents, our friends, social media, you name it, we unintentionally allow these influences to become our standard of what a successful life should be.

The truth is we all have roles in life we play. That is how the world continues to evolve. Emerging into the adult world is full of hidden pressures and unexpected challenges that can seem overwhelming and exhausting. We find that we keep our innermost suffering to ourselves.

622252907The query

It is not uncommon that we go through stages in which we question our life purpose. Questioning our beliefs, goals, values, and sense of self is a part of being human. Maybe we are stuck in indecision or regretting our college or career path. Maybe we are struggling with closeness in friendships and intimate relationships. Maybe we are giving in to social pressures or struggling with managing our money. Just maybe all the “new in our responsibilities is the opportunity to embrace the truth that we do not have to have it all figured out and that this is okay.


Uncertainty is merely a pathway toward discovering how we choose to grow into who we are instead of who the world thinks we should be. It is a space created for exploration. A place of discovery toward cultivating greater resilience and trusting ourselves more. Without uncertainty, we would not experience the thrill of daring change.

538519228Dare to…

Find what motivates you

Identify your emotional needs

Let go of things that no longer serve your growth

Set healthy boundaries

Trust yourself

Speak your truths

Deepen your connections

Be your own best friend

Take the masks off and just be yourself

As I began to love myself, I found that anguish and emotional suffering were only warning signs that I was living against my own truth.

– Charlie Chaplin

From suffering to self-love

You are perfect just as you are, and you are right where you are supposed to be. Every now and then, we all feel a little lost. We do not have to stay stuck in these feelings forever, and we damn sure do not have to do it alone.

Reach out today, I dare you.